Friday, September 21, 2007

Hocus Pocus

This is Liz's friend Jess, and I'm posting due to the fact that Liz's brand new computer has crashed. I must admit I love this blog, not only because Liz is one of my best friends, but because she is so excited about her work and the art world in general! I thought I would add my two cents and post something that I am excited about this time of year. I work for a publishing company and recently received the new Martha Stewart Magazing and read it cover to cover. Now normally I find Martha to be annoying, only because she is so damn creative she makes me feel like a two year old because I'll NEVER be able to come up with all the projects she masters. But I highly recommend the Oct '07 issue, now on newstands, for anyone who enjoys fall crafts. And for anyone who looks forward to Halloween all year long, I recommend reading the above magazine while watching the best Halloween movie ever.... HOCUS POCUS! (ft. Sarah Jessica Parker)


eliza kate said...

haha, welcome jess to the blogger world.
