Sunday, September 5, 2010

Travel: Washington DC, National Gallery of Art

Today I traveled to Washington D.C. to spend the day at the museums. I had been wanting to make the solo trip for over a year, and finally created time in my busy schedule to go. Plus, I figured it would be good practice for Ireland...

Although the day got off to a rocky start regarding the metro and public transportation, I decided not to let it ruin my day, (although I was this close to turning my car around and heading home) and now I'm so glad I stuck it out! The day was beautiful and clear, I got to relax, and take advantage of living within an hour of our nations capital.
One of the museums I spent lot of time in was the National Gallery of Art. Surprisingly I found myself most enjoying the Dutch painting, primarily the still-life's (still-lives?). For as long as I can remember I have been an impressionist girl, but things are a-changing! No matter the style of painting, the National Gallery houses a beautiful collection of art.


Kathy Barrick said...

Stunning paintings!!!
