Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday Coffee Date

The first thing I'd say if we were meeting for a coffee date this week is "I'm sorry for being late", and "thanks for rescheduling" :)

Anyway. This week I've been dealing with all of the things I told you about last week, and slowly getting them taken care off.  Almost there- just one trip to the DMV office that I'm avoiding and last weeks misery will all be in the past. 
This week I've satisfied my urge to be creative again and took up water color painting. This is an entirely new hobby for me and one that is quite surprising!  I took painting 101 in college and never warmed up to the medium, so imagine my confusion when I felt the desire to paint! I think I'm enjoying it now because I can choose my own subject matter and seem to me painting mainly patterns in bright colors. Then I like to go over the dried paint with silver and gold paint markers to make fun details.  

Two really exciting things happened this week. 

First- my parents got an offer on their house. It's been on the market for about two years so this is a gigantic sigh of relief for all of us. Now they can go about making plans and moving forward with their lives. Unfortunately, they settle on August 31st, (yes, as in 33 days from now!)which means I'll be helping out as often as I can to get them ready to move. 

Secondly, wedding shower invitations in my honor arrived! Jacque (future sister in law) and Joe's mom are hosting a family shower here at the house in September and they gave me an invitation. It was a very surreal to see the invitation and I had another "omg I'm getting married?!?!" moment. It's so happy!

We attended a surprise engagement party for Joe's best friend, Ben on Saturday night. Ben proposed to Brittany an hour before the party and surprised his new fiancee with a party full of family and friends who were there to help celebrate! We had a wonderful night with them and I learned the next day that I can no longer drink like I used too. Ughh...

That's about it for us! We're looking forward to a good week with no major plans. Until next time...

