Monday, August 25, 2008


Surprise, I didnt fall off the face of the earth... I'll spare you all of my excuses for not blogging and just say this; life has been busy.
I went home over the weekend to see my parents, and when i walked into my mom's office this is what I saw:
It was such fun to look all all of the goodies she had on her desk. All one of a kind, unique and vintage. And this was just the top of her desk! She has drawers and drawers of stuff too! Im always interested to see where people create and what their work spaces look like, I thought you might want to see too...

And yesterday I went to the Kennedy Center in D.C. to see the Lion King. AMAZING!!!! It was so much more interesting that i ever thought it would be. Not because of the acting, or story, but rather the costumes and they way they were worn. If you ever have the opportunity to go, do it. It was breathtaking!

