Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Stylist Guide to NYC

I scooped up this awesome little book at Anthropologie a few months ago in hopes that it could be helpful in planing my next trip up to New York City.  The book follows author,  Siballa Court around the big apple as she fills readers in on all of the most exciting and interesting shops and boutiques.  Complete with photos, brief write-ups, and logistics of each stop this book is a must-have for anyone who's looking to shop at stores beyond the big box type. 
And as fate would have it, I'll be in NYC on business all next week! With only a brief time for shopping and exploring, I've already begun using this book to map out the places I have to see.  Luckily, the book not only covers shopping, but fresh food markets and restaurants as well. 
As I said before, I got my copy of the book at Anthropologie, but you can get your own copy right here.

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