Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fresh from the Market

As promised, here is a peek at my market treasures! I picked up a few more items then what's shown here; some for the shop and some for my crafting. 
The birdcage on the right is my newest addition! With a beautiful slate blue base, this cage sits atop my kitchen cabinets and joins two other cages in my mini-collection. I love that each cage is a different shape and the delicate, fragile feel that they bring to a room.  Finding birdcages in my price range- which is $65 or below- has become a challenge, as the popularity of cages has gone up. It's another item I wish I would have started collecting years ago, before they were so hot. I paid $30 for this beauty.
Unfortunately I had to unscrew the top ring (used to hang the cage) in order to make it fit between the cabinets and ceilings. No big deal, but I've made a note to self- measure that distance before the next shopping trip!
Ball/Mason jars were everywhere. Annie and I found only a few at a recent market we attended, which made us think they were hard to find, and worth a higher price tag. Not the case at all. If you know where to look, they can be found. 
Nelson's autograph book. A steel at only $10. 

I couldn't believe my ears when the seller told me the price of these cabinet cards- $1 each!  The best part- they are all photographs of couples on their wedding day. I absolutely love them! I came home with a stack of 10.

It may still be August, but who can resist a holiday decoration as cute as this for $1? Certainly not me! 
Beautiful fruit from the produce/flower stand amidst the tables of antiques. 
The other big purchase I made was a set of two old wood frames. They are stunning, with lovely age spots, and bubbled glass. They will be the perfect way to show off some pressed flower sheets I've been collecting.

1 comment:

  1. You found some great things! I love the Christmas ribbon. The autograph book is beautiful! I can never find that type of thing around here.
