Friday, May 29, 2015

Honey Orange Honeycomb Soaps

I'm so excited to announce my first collaboration with the blog LittleGirlBigEats!

Annie (who writes Little Girl Big Eats) and I are teaming up to bring you content on both of our sites with a common theme. This month, we focused on Honey!

On Little Girl Big Eats you will find several honey themed concoctions, for both the body and tastebuds! I know you'll love them, so be sure to pop over and see what Annie has whipped up!

On my YouTube channel I am guiding you through making your own Honey Orange scented honeycomb soap

This project is so easy to complete and would be a great DIY gift. Not only do the soaps smell good, they work well and look adorable! It's a win-win-win. 

For the second video in the honey collaboration I am guiding you through two ways to package your honeycomb soap for storage or gift giving. Again, these techniques are quick and easy. 

I hope you love them and enjoy making your own soap. If you do, please let me know how they turn out.

Until next time!

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