Friday, August 5, 2011


 We made it to Friday!!! This week flew by (for me at least), and I'm ready for a few days all to myself! I've got a shopping planed with my mom and a good friend, work time, QT with Joe, and dog-sitting scheduled in the next two days.  What are you plans for the weekend?
 I had another flower photo shoot yesterday. I hope you don't mind the same subject two days in a row, but I wanted to take full advantage of the beautiful flowers I picked up at Trader Joe's. Did you know they sell sweet bouquets of flowers for only $3.99?!  It costs less than a trip to Starbucks to brighten a room up :)
I took these photo's in our kitchen where I have a little vignette which included mason jars, the NORTH sign from my first antiquing trip with Joe, and type blocks of our initials.  I love the little arrangement.
In shop news, I have begun to make a TON in inventory down to clearance prices. I'd like to find new homes for many of the items as I've started to amass quite a collection. Be sure to check back often, I promise the prices will be GREAT!

1 comment:

  1. i always grab a bouquet of flowers at trader joe's when i'm there! lovely!
