Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My WIsh List

For years my mom has collected antique dress forms. I can't tell you how many times we've loaded one into the back of her SUV to take home from the market. Each and every single time we found a form for sale our conversation would go something like this:
Kathy: (big inhale!!) look at that dress form! It's freaking awesome!
Liz: Cool mom!
Kathy: the price is good too, don't you want to get it?
Liz: Nah, I don't really like dress forms. They creep me out.
Kathy: are you sure, it's so cool...
Liz: no way, I don't want one. It's all yours!

I am officially eating my words
They are so french and so beautiful. How could I have walked away from so many for so long. I should have listened to my mom with her excellent tastes. Now, a dress form tops my wish list, and I can't find one that is affordable to save my soul. 
And needless to say, the fact that I can't find one makes me want one even more! I'd like it to be covered in light fabric, to be one piece, and preferably have some printing/markings on it.  Size and height don't matter. 
Annie just found one on craigslist! Such a lucky girl! Check out what she is doing with hers.
Another slightly less reasonable item on my wish list... A vintage pick up truck. I'd like to have it fully restored, with an updated, dependable motor and a shinny new paint job.
Then, I'd have my logo painted on the side, and drive it around to all the markets and shows I'd be attending weekly in my imaginary life. 
It would be so awesome! 


  1. oh my gosh! a vintage pick up truck is on my wishlist too! we almost got one in upstate new york last summer: i saw this gorgeous turquoise pick up with a "for sale" sign on it on the way to the finger lakes. i still regret not getting it...

  2. My Mom sewed a lot when I was younger. She had a dress form that was fitted to her size. She made so many of her own clothes. That was a long time ago. I wonder what happened to that form!

  3. I've been eyeballing old pickup trucks too!
