Thursday, July 14, 2011

Love: Home

Over the weekend I got to escape to my hometown in the Maryland countryside to visit my stepmom, Mare.  During the spring and summer months our back patio is a beautiful, relaxing, tranquil oasis. Mare has an amazing green thumb, and a knack for creating a peaceful atmosphere.  I could spend hours here lounging with a glass of wine... and I have!
 I love the spider-web beams, and the wisteria that adorns it. 
I'd just missed the blooming season for many of the deck flowers leaving only lush greenery. 
 Sheer fabric drapes along the main support beams. Although usually tied back, when the wind catches the drapes is stunning. 
 A lilly pond amongst the foliage. 
The remaining clematis flowers. 
This is quite possibly my favorite part of the whole deck. This is the stem of the wisteria that was planted over 2o years ago, and now covers the canopy of the deck. I love the twisted thickness of the stem, and how it has become it's own support beam. 

Getting home to relax is a real treat, and I can't think of a more lovely place to do it! Thanks Mare!

And don't forget- today is the last day to enter to win the Starbucks gift card!!!  *please leave comments on the contest post*

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