Monday, July 18, 2011

Create: Stumped

Here is a peek at a little section of our kitchen/dining area. 
I recently bought this old, weathered window frame because I thought it was far too fabulous to pass up.  I immediately saw so much potential, knew just the right place to hang it in our house.  As soon as I got it home I gave it a good dusting and washing, then mounted it on the wall. And since then I've been racking my brain for good ways to embellish it, and  I AM STUMPED. Completely.  



  1. If it were mine, I would put some antique lace or doilies behind alternate panes and leave the others blank. Too girly? Maybe old book pages or maps or ledger pages or wallpaper - only on alternating panes though. It's a pretty window. I can see why you bought it.

  2. Lizzy, look on page 77 of the 18th Century Paris book. There's a similar window frame with your favorite pressed flower pages behind each pane. It's gorgeous!!

